Teamsters at Work
For 75 years, the Teamsters Local 493 has been hard at work fulfilling our mission to organize and educate workers toward a higher standard of living.
Bevan J. Sweet
Secretary – Treasurer / Principal Officer
Craig R. Mitchell
President / Business Agent
Donald F. Barnes, Sr.
Vice-President/ Business Agent

News and Recent Updates
The Union Steward’s Grievance Guide
Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Overview

Teamsters Local 493 Supports Safe Futures
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Teamsters Local 493 supports Safe Futures of New London, Connecticut, formerly the Women’s Center of Southeastern Connecticut. Safe Futures provides intervention and counseling for domestic violence and sexual assault victims. I ask that you consider donating to Safe Futures as your charity choice. We hope to save lives, restore hope, and change the future in Southeastern Connecticut. It is with pride that we keep our traditions strong and look forward to making new traditions which will keep our Local Union strong.
We wish you a Happy Spring and a safe and prosperous Summer!
Bevan J Sweet, Secretary-Treasurer
Be sure you request a withdrawal card when being laid-off, going on leave of absence, lengthy medical leave, or terminating your employment. There is no charge for a withdrawal card but all initiation fees and back dues must be paid before the withdrawal card is issued.
Click Here to download a printable withdrawl card request form.
Stop by the office or complete the form and mail it to our office along with your check or money order for the amount due. It is your responsibility to obtain a Withdrawal Card so please take care of it as soon as possible after leaving the company so that you will not be obligated to pay extra dues. Failure to request a Withdrawal Card may cause you to pay back dues.
In accordance with Article XVIII, Section 6 (I) of the IBT Constitution, “it shall be compulsory for any active member on withdrawal to deposit his/her withdrawal card immediately upon return to employment at the craft.”
New England Teamsters Federal Credit Union
NETFCU has proudly provided financial services to Teamsters throughout New England since 1973. To take advantage, please visit or call 1-800-343-7126.
NETFCU Resources:
Contract Negotiations
Click here for a full list of companies represented by Teamsters Local 493
Ongoing Contracts:
- Montville Clerical
- Montville Transfer Station
- Vanderman Place
- Windham Public Works
Ratified Contracts:
- ABF Freight
- A P Marquardt, Inc
- Automatic Rolls
- CCIA-CT Construction Industry Assoc.
- Arborio
- Brunalli Construction
- BHI/Westinghouse
- Demco, LLC
- Genovesi
- J. Iapaluccio, Inc
- JR Vinargo
- L. Suzio Construction
- Loureiro Engineering
- O&G Industries
- Quaker Corporation
- Supreme Industries
- Tilcon Mixers
- Tilcon Heavy & Highway
- Tilcon - Tomasso
- Walsh Construction
- Wescon
- Clifford Metals
- Defender Industries
- East Haddam Highway
- Electric Boat
- First Student East Lyme
- First Student Lisbon/Bozrah/Sprague
- First Student Mechanics
- First Student New London
- First Student Norwich
- First Student Stonington
- Frito Lay
- Interstate & Lakeland Lumber
- Ledyard Highway
- Levine Distributing
- M&J Bus Lebanon
- Montville BOE - Bus
- Montville BOE - Custodians
- Plainfield BOE - Custodians
- Price Gregory Pipeline
- Shepard's Inc
- STA - Groton
- STA - Ledyard
- UNFI - Clerical
- UNFI - Warehouse
- Veolia - Danbury
- Veolia - Naugatuck
- Veolia - Seymour
- Weiland Rolled Products N.A., LLC
- Windham WPCA
- Windham Pepsi
- Windham BOE - Custodians
- Woodstock Highway